Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nature Walk

Over New Year's weekend, I went out to Long Island to visit my family (who are amongst the few Philadelphians willing to make the four and a half hour trek up there to vacation). Hiding away in the woods for a few days is always a relaxing time, and when you add to this a gentle snowfall and the sound of crashing waves, well, it's zen bliss. Polar opposite of New York City, which is why I'm glad it's only a train ride away.

One afternoon it started to snow, which I thought would make the perfect opportunity to trespass stroll along the edge of the bay.

Nature Walk on Private Property from Matthew Patches on Vimeo.

(You'll also notice I finally figured out how to upload the videos in HD. Although you'll have to click the link to my Vimeo page to see it. Sweeeet)

1 comment:

  1. i don't know why, but this video makes me feel a sense of peace and calm.
