Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oscar Bait Round-Up: The Wrestler


Before seeing this flick, I decided to pick up the song Bruce Springsteen wrote for the end credits, also titled The Wrestler. Not sure if that was a mistake, but it's sappy and wonderful, which means I may have been predisposed to getting swept up by this simple story of a down-and-out professional wrestler. If you can let go of your cynicism for an hour and a half, Mickey Rourke's Randy "The Ram" will make you teary. I find wrestling to be particularly uninteresting, but damned if I don't have some respect for it now. Theatrics come at a physical cost, to say the least.

I wanted to criticize Marisa Tomei for always letting her boobs out and not deserving her Oscar, but hell I can't like, she's wonderful in this movie. The Evan Rachel Wood as The Ram's daughter might be a tad too schmaltzy, but by that time, I was on board.

Refreshingly realistic.

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