Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oscar Bait Round-Up: Revolutionary Road

Unlike years past, I'm doing a terrible job of getting out to the theater to familiarize myself with "oscar bait", all these pictures the industry seems to be gobbling up, warranted or not. While I haven't seen everything, thought I'd chime in on some of the big players:

Revolutionary Road


I've never read the novel Revolutionary Road (although I've been told numerous times that I need to), but if it's anything like Director Sam Mendes' chilling cinematic adaptation, getting through the book may involve isolating myself for a weekend, to make sure I don't cross anybody's path in the wake of my emotional aftermath.

And that's how I was feeling to a certain extent after leaving this movie. Emotional (pretentious?). Yes, this isn't the first movie to feature a couple fighting, but this felt like real fighting. I haven't done a ton of actual screaming in my lifetime, and I hope I never have to, because it scares the shit out of me. Kate Winslet just won a Globe for this performance that's entirely (except for those shouting parts) internal. I just wish Leo was feeling some of that love from the public, because, shockingly, he's even better than Winslet. Knocks this one out of the park for me. These two are stars, and I love watching them on screen.

(Thanks to Jordan Hoffman for inspring me to use a image-based rating system. I dig that star fleet insignia!)

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