Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oscar Bait Round-Up: Doubt

Another instance where I'm only familiar with the source material through articles, friends, and living in New York. I had very high expectations for John Patrick Shanley's Doubt, based on his theatrical magnum opus by the same name, for a number of reasons:
  1. It's based on (supposedly) great play.
  2. Philip Seymour Hoffman
  3. Amy Adams
  4. Meryl Streep
  5. New York
  6. Pedophilia

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be singing the lord's high praises for the flick. It takes a particular vision to elevate a play into a movie, and I'm not even sure I understand what it takes, but Shanley, who directed his script on this one, doesn't pull it off. It's too simple, in technical and story aspects. I don't need to know if Father Flynn actually touched the kid or not, but I was waiting for the film to take me somewhere.

There is kudos to give: Hoffman, as always, rocks. I know some people who thought he was an asshole, but heck, he chews up his scenes and spits'em out. Can't get enough. Amy Adams...well, I love her, and while she doesn't have a lot to do in this movie, I can't help but give her a pass. You know you're won over when you watch Enchanted and actually think it's not half-bad. Thanks Amy! Viola Davis who plays the boy-in-question's mother rocks in her 7-something-minute stint, and she should win an Oscar. She won't, because Kate is out to undeservedly snatch up the Best Supporting (more on that later).

But Meryl, oh Meryl. You slit this movie's throat with that last scene. I definitely understand the ham it up, Brooklyn accent thing she was going for, but no, didn't do it for me. I would have prefered Devil Wears Prada Meryl. a nun.

I have to give the film credit for leaving it open-ended enough to leave people divded. When the lights came up I thought there was no way in hell people would think Father Flynn actually crossed the line with his student, but lo and behold, I've encountered a handful of people who are just as confident that he did. I think the debate alone is a red flag that something's wrong with us human folk.

Not recommending this movie, but maybe see it to fuel the buzz train. Choo Choo!

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